My childhood memories are filled with experiences of talking and interacting with nature and spirits. I had a hard childhood and found my moments of peace and joy in any natural setting I could find. I didn’t know at the time that I was communing with the spirit world, to me I was talking to my friends. I was teased for being “sensitive” and told time and time again that my behavior was not ‘normal’ or rational, and as a result I began to keep my gifts hidden and away from ridicule, eventually turning away from them all together for a time.. too busy ‘chasing the dream’. I became depressed and anxiety ridden; I felt empty. My ancestors were waiting and my spirit longed for me to reconnect and come home to itself and so I slowly began to listen and take those steps.

My own awakening journey began in the Fall of 2016. My life took some major turns and I left both a highly financially secure career and a relationship of just over 6 years. I face planted hard and realized my life’s foundation was crumbling around me. I felt I had been living my life in a dazed dream; just going through the motions and trying my best to maintain surface happiness. I yearned for something more, but I didn’t know what that something was. I began to pray a lot. I began to reconnect to the spirit world through those prayers, and my heartfelt asks were beginning to receive some answers.

The first message for me was to acknowledge my experience, my pain, my suffering my trauma. To go inward and hold space for myself in a way that felt real, raw and natural. I began to reach out for the things that call to me in the way of deep healing and wellness; I began to grow my gifts. The second message for me was to begin the intentional shed of all I thought I was, based on negative parental, generational and societal conditioning and its collective trauma. This is no easy task and just as a snake sheds its skin cyclically so do we inwardly. The third message was to seek my truth and rebuild my life with the power of Earth as my new foundation, and my biggest teacher.

Having been raised Mahayana Buddhist by my Mother, I reached for what came natural to me; meditation. I use meditation as a way to access stillness and thus easing my anxiety, stress and past depression. As my relationship with meditation began to grow my awareness, I learned quickly that in this state I could journey. In this space I can clearly and easily channel different spirit energies who I now lovingly refer to as my guides. My guides aid me in ALL of my spiritual work and for this path of service, I am most humbly grateful.

Looking back at my journey I can see how much fear, scarcity and lack were in control of my life and how ‘asleep’ I was at the wheel for so long. These last few years I have step by step transitioned from a fear based reality to a love and trust based reality. I have moved from ‘survive’ to ‘thrive’ in life, and with the help of my guides and mentors in both the physical and spirit world I have created a whole mind, body, spirit, approach to awakening, wellness and healing that I now offer to you.

With love and gratitude,

Jade Chen